© Certinergie NPO – VZW rue Haute Voie 5 4537 Verlaine / Chaussée de Tirlemont 156, 5030 Gembloux / Brusselsesteenweg 599,3090 Overijse / Avenue Louise 367 1050 Bruxelles RPM ASBL 0536.501.654. RPM SRL 0831.937.722. Certinergie Luxembourg SARL
Certinergie now offers you the possibilty to even beter promote your real estate
With our interactive 2D plans, you can now increase increase your online advertisements’ visibility.
This service targets private and professional customers that would like to increase the demand for their product or diversify their product offering.
Recent studies prove that you can get an increase of up to 30% more contract requests by adding an attractive groundplan to your advertisements.
Your 2D groundplans

How to order?
On the top right of our website you will find a blue button « Prices & Ordering » Then just follow the order steps. Please mind: The button to order a 2D groundplan only appears when you first click the EPC-certificate button.
You can of course always order an extra 2D groundplan with your order by emailing us at info@certinergie.be
How does it work?
When you order your EPC-certificate with us, you can add the 2D interactive groundplan to your order. There are no preperations to be made like providing sketches or measures. All of this is done by our inspector during his visit at your home.
Within 24 hours after the visit, the EPC-certificate and 2D groundplan will be sent to you by email.
Why Certinergie?
We encourage you a global solution combining legislation and added value
Our advantages in a few points:
- Order very simply online or via our email address: info@certinergie.be
- . We will directly offer you a telephone by appointment with confirmation of the date and exact time by email.
- Our deadlines are always very short. It is therefore possible to obtain an appointment within 48 hours on express request.
- Following our visit, your plans are processed and are then available at all times in your customer area.
Combined offers
Certinergie is also the possibility of grouping regulatory controls. More information here on the PEB Certificate when selling your property.
Certinergie is also recognized as an approved body for the control of the electrical installation, your control of the fuel oil tank and for your gas installation.

Any questions?
For more practical information: