© Certinergie NPO – VZW rue Haute Voie 5 4537 Verlaine / Chaussée de Tirlemont 156, 5030 Gembloux / Brusselsesteenweg 599,3090 Overijse / Avenue Louise 367 1050 Bruxelles RPM ASBL 0536.501.654. RPM SRL 0831.937.722. Certinergie Luxembourg SARL

What is a energy performance certificate
The BEP certificate (BEP = Building Energy Performance) is the energy identity card of your residence.
Like energy labels on household appliances, it has a classification scale and indexes ranging from A (very economical in terms of energy) to G (very high energy consumption)
It is mandatory for any sale or rental of a residential property with a construction permit from before 2010. For anything after that date, see the “New building BEP” section
The BEP certificate enables the comparison of the theoretical energy consumption between multiple buildings and as a result, the energy cost for the same consumption. That’s why it never takes your actual consumption or consumption habits into account.
For the purposes of comparison, your for-sale or rental announcements or advertisements must mention the energy class (letter) stated on the BEP, otherwise you could be fined.
It is established by a trained and certified BEP certifier, approved by each region. Their work is carried out in two steps: making an appointment and collecting on-site data, then recording the various data gathered in the BEP software.
Each region has established its own software and calculation methodology for BEP certification. A certifier in Wallonia will, therefore, be unable to certify your property in Brussels , and vice versa.
The legislation and protocols imposed on BEP certifiers are, therefore, subject to differences from one region to the next. For example, Brussels requires BEP certification for any office over 500 m2. We encourage you to visit the page for the region where your property is located in order to get specific information on regional legislation in force for your BEP certificate.
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In what cases do you need a BEP certificate?
- The BEP certificate is a mandatory pre-condition BEFORE any sale or lease of a residence.
- Sale and/or rental advertisements for a property must mention the energy performance of the property sold or rented.
- It must be forwarded to the purchaser or tenant before the sale or rental agreement is signed. The agreement will act as evidence for the completion of this formality.
It should be noted that this only applies to older buildings. For more recent buildings or new buildings after 2010, you need to refer to the BEP Management section. We will deliver your BEP certificate to you for a new property as part of this specific procedure.
How does the BEP expert establish the certificate?
The BEP certificate is created in accordance with the methods and protocols issued by the Regions. When they visit your property, our certifier will need access to all the rooms in your residence so that they can collect the following data:
Calculating the surface area and volume of the building, data collection of the composition of the building walls, insulation, frame types, primary energy consumption for the heating, production of domestic hot air, auxiliaries (CMV, ventilation etc.) and potentially cooling or renewable energy production systems.
When they return to the office, our BEP certifier will calculate the surface areas of wastage, volumes and surface areas of heated floors. Next, they will record the data collected in the appropriate regional software to calculate the standardised theoretical primary energy consumption of your residence to assign it an energy index.
This index is represented by a scale from the letter “A” (very low energy consumption) to the letter “G” (very high energy consumption).
The actual gas, oil and electricity consumption is not taken into account as the BEP certificate reflects standardised conditions of use.
Why Certinergie?
Certinergie ASBL is a body approved by the Belgian Ministry of the Economy. We always provide quality service while being ultra-proactive. Our aim is to endlessly reinvent the notion of service to our customers.
Thanks our concern for quality, all our BEP certifiers are certified by the relevant regions. Our experts guarantee you a rigorous and impartial approach
Our experience:
In 2019,Certinergie already had 9 years of experience in the field of energy certification and over 100,000 BEP certificates and electrical installation inspections performed for private individuals, estate agencies, solicitors and electrical installers.
Summary of our advantages:
- Simply order online or via our phone number 02 880 21 71. We will offer you an appointment directly, with confirmation of the date and exact time by email.
- Relying on a team of over 80 colleagues, our deadlines are always very short. Therefore, it is therefore possible to get an appointment within 24 h on request. We will also endeavour to deliver the report to you within 24 h of our visit.
- Following our visit and after receipt of payment, your report will be forwarded to you by email. It can also be sent to you by post on request. Have you lost your report? Do you need your report right now to bring to your solicitor? Be aware that your report is available at all times in your client space.
- If you are selling your residence, also think about our advantageous combined offer: BEP + ELEC and benefit from an additional rebate while saving time.
- Only Certinergie, which is recognised as a certified inspection body by the Ministry, can offer you full control of services related to BEP certificates AND electrical inspections, and guarantee their quality.
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